Sunday, September 20, 2009

Thankyou Wise Owl

Wildlife. Its out there. I trail run for hours in the local forests with my friends the rabbits, toads, and plenty of snakes. No bother. But the other morning I did a road run. Early hours on the back road. Usually busy with early morning commuters, and the odd drug deal. I'm about 7 minutes into my run, enjoying the fresh air, morning stars, and looking forward to the sunrise. When WHACK, I feel a smack on the back off my head. It was hard. It hurt. For a split second I thought someone through a rock at me. Before I can process, I feel what felt like vice grips clamp my head, then release. I look up and see an Owl flying away. Really? Did that just happen? I turn to continue my planned run, when what is standing in front of me? A Bear!!! The bear didn't seem to fussed over the whole scene, and kept on his way. I continued my run, letting that odd series of events marinate for the next hour and a half.
My friend JC just informed me that she was attacked by an owl, except hers followed her for 5 minutes!
Now my father, AKA bird fanatic said that sometimes large birds will go for the ponytail thinking its a Squirrel. Well that makes sense.
My favourite quotes/lessons that came out of this experience:
Michelle Grey " The owl was probably thinking 'WTF is a squirrel doing on that chicks head! I'll get it!'"
Jen Segger (coach): " I think I assigned that as part of this weeks training - its about developing mental toughness and the ability to fight of the creatures of the forest - adventure onwards :) Just imagine what will attack you in Costa Rica???"
Dawn MacLeod: "The link I sent you on wikipedia talked about how the owl was a symbol for a number for a hieroglyph, and that was a clue in my crossword the next day!
I never would have gotten the answer if you hadn't been viciously attacked by the owl!"


Owl Totem:

Active at dawn and dusk owls are sometimes referred to as the night eagle, a messenger from the darkness and a guide through all the mysteries that it contains. It teaches us how to embrace our personal darkness without fear. Owls are sometimes thought to come to those that are about to die. This does not mean a physical death as much as it means the letting go of some part of yourself that is not serving you. Owls with their spectral senses help guide us through the dark tunnels of fear, change and uncertainty to the brilliant light shining at the other end. If the owl appears in your life thank it for its willingness to guide you through its shadowy realm to the other side of promise and joy.


  1. Maybe that bear would have munched on you if the Owl hadn't brought you to attention?
    Regardless, even though it hurt it kind of seems like it showed up to give you something to think about.

  2. Okay, I have to comment because this is my worst fear- being attacked by a bird of any kind. Had it been me, I probably would have jumped into the arms of the bear a la Scooby Doo! You are one brave lady!!

    Good luck with your training and thank you for being such a great teacher/role model for my daughter!
    Kari (Kaya's mom)
