Wednesday, October 14, 2009

RVM 2009

I just finished my second marathon! The Royal Victoria Marathon. My step-mom and sister did the 8k, and my Dad, Aunt, and cousin came out to watch! Great family weekend. My race was good. Well I can say that now. I always rush through the first 10k-hoping to find my place and let the crowd subside, then I can "relax." Throughout the next 32k I'm thinking "Why do I do this?" "42.2k is a REALLY, REALLY long way!" "I want to stop" "this sucks" and the final message to myself "I'm never doing this again!" Well I just took it km by km. Its too daunting to think of how far I have to go-so I think about the km I'm doing. 12, 12, 12, 12. 13, 13, 13, 13. Yes this is how I get through every km! I zone out repeating numbers in my head. I drank at every station, ate 3 power gels (forcing the 3rd one done-barf!) I ran without a watch, listened to peoples ridiculous conversations, and made fun of running attire along the way. The spectators were fantastic. I loved Elvis, the beer house(I did not partake), and the high school band. I did not enjoy the man dressed in an owl suit. Not funny. Not entirely sure if that was a figment of my imagination (saw it around km 38). The 5km countdown begins. Spectators yelling "You're almost there!" ALMOST???? I'm STILL not even freaking close! 3k away, people yelling "Only 3 to go!" ONLY! Oh ya, only 3k. Then at 2k buddy yells " If you push it you can make a 3:45 race!" REALLY? Is this what time I'm at??? !!!! Yahoo!!!!! So I push it! Push it to the finish-look for my Dad-wave and anxiously await the "beep, beep, beep" of my timing chip(and myself) running over the mat for a 3:47 time! The second, and I mean the second I stop moving I start planning the Vancouver marathon, and what my goal time will be! Boston qualifying time for a female my age is 3:40. So I might as well!


  1. I cried while I read this post. You were awesome!!

  2. i actually teared up, too! (thought i'd be the only one). nina.
