Sunday, April 25, 2010

Not MY best friend

I know you love your dog(s) and think they can do no wrong. They are the apple of your eye, and they love you unconditionally. Well they don't love me unconditionally so call off the hounds. I hate how nervous I get while running in the trails and coming upon unleashed dogs. Most dogs could care less, and breeze by me. That's cool. Its the ones that are jumping happily all over me while the owner says "He's just friendly." I don't want friendly dog slobbering over me mid run, thanks. Get him off me. Then I find said dogs stupid hair in my food days later??? Gross. Or the dog that sprints full tilt towards me, playing chicken with me on the trail, when just as I'm about to jump into the ditch it darts slightly right, grazing my shorts as it passes. "Awe....wasn't that cute" the owners gush. Cute?!!! Here, have my shorts I just soiled-hows that for cute? Yesterday I had a dog growling at me as it bounced back and forth deciding whether to attack me. That owners response? " We just got him from a shelter, so he's still figuring out who is good or bad." Welllll....I'm not out here to be your mother f&$%*king guinea pig! Test him out in a prison yard!

A couple of weeks ago a dog actually made contact, ripping my 100$ jacket with his teeth. I just wanted to get up the bloody Chief and beat my personal best time, but noooooo the owner was so upset she was crying all over the place, saying "that's never happened before." Ya well it just did.

I do like the dogs that just come out of nowhere and run with me for a bit. That is until I worry he's adopted me as his future freaky dog owner.

Oh and believe me I can't wait to get a dog to run with. Will I put it on a leash? Probably not-that's just cruel. He'd be friendly and oh so cute, and would NEVER jump on you. He could do no wrong.


  1. I thought about the little dog in your pic all day long and smiled. He's just so snarly! Funny post Shanny!

  2. *lol... you are freakin' hilarious! TEAM CANADA is hilarious (well you and jEN at least)... lets do it! dog-FREE!
    Keep on.... fear not the dog... they smell it. Put your Game face on.
