Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bit of Bypolar

Running has been an emotional roller coaster for me lately. One day I love it, googling every run, race, and runner that exists. I day dream of destination races, and achievements. The next day I hate running, and exercise in general. Wishing I was a lazy couch potato and OK with that. Never want to run again, and don't get why people do it in the first place. I blame the weather. Its cold and wet. I trained in cold and wet for Costa Rica and I guess I'm over it. I knew the Iron Lung 25k (May 30th) would give the drive and motivation I so require. Just pinning my bib number on my shorts was enough of a rush. I had so much energy and enthusiasm during that race. I was worried my mind and body wouldn't show up. So glad I was wrong. I had a great race, it was a beautiful day and a fun course. It was just what I needed to get back in the game!
Summer Solstice in a couple weeks!
I'm now excited about upcoming runs, races, and goals!

1 comment:

  1. keep at it, pretty lady... rollercoasters are meant to be fun, lol....
    Update on the 'Soltice', lets hear a race report, tell me a story :)

    Good luck!
