Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First road bike crash!

Survived my first road bike crash! Train tracks tripped me up, took my bike, and I kept going. I remember thinking "I wish my body would stop rolling on the pavement soon." Palm of my head was bleeding alot! Hip and right arm were hurting, but I couldn't see the damage. Started riding home, had a bit of a cry, and kept going. When I got home and took off my long sleeve(thanks goodness for long sleeve) I saw my arm, which was swollen and bloody. I panicked a little as there were some rocks embedded in skin as well. Called good old faithful sister who told me to get to hospital because they could at least clean it properly. Which they did. They removed the rocks, and some chunks of skin. They contemplated stitches, but went with steri-strips. Also I got a tetanus shot. Love shots! I really do. So I an check road bike crash off my list of things to do!!!


  1. That photo looks eerily familiar to our day of fun a thousand yrs ago...didn't we just talk about that???

  2. HAHA, I can't believe you love shots, maybe you're a reincarnated puppy!
